TVA-Recherche à

Toutes les informations sur:


Кооператив Лидер

Kooperativ Lider (paraphrased name)

Cooperative Leader (translated name)

140162, Область Московская, Район Раменский, Село Константиново, 14, 64

140162, Oblast′ Moskovskaja, Rajon Ramenskij, Selo Konstantinovo, 14, 64 (paraphrased address)

140162, Moscow region, Ramensky district, Konstantinovo village, 14, 64 (translated address)

INN (Numéro de TVA)
État de Tva actif inactif National Registration Only
End of VAT Registration
7 juin 2006
KYC Check
KYC / PEP / AML request
This data is incorrect?
Source: Company Register: FTS of Russia (